Wednesday, July 29, 2009

F-14A to F-14D!! Time to AMS!! (at least a little)

I've been doing some research online about the F-14 variants and I've decided to AMS a little for this build. I'm gonna convert the F-14A that I have into a F-14D, the reasons are:

1. I've attached the wrong exhaust to the tomcat a few months back. Now I've realised my mistake I intend to correct it

2. I prefer the GE engine design that the F-14B and F-14D have rather then the original TF30 engines. Coincidentally I've got two those GE engines left over from the F-15C build.

Here goes the modding process:

From 1/72 F-14A Tomcat

From 1/72 F-14A Tomcat

From 1/72 F-14A Tomcat

From 1/72 F-14A Tomcat

From 1/72 F-14A Tomcat

From 1/72 F-14A Tomcat

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