Monday, April 21, 2008

1/100 Destimy Legend Completed!

I won't elaborate more...
Visit my picasa web album for more pics..
Link can be found on the right hand column--->

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Destiny Gundam Painted

Here is a small update:

Finished painting the Destiny Gundam. Now all that is left is to do enamel wash and apply decals on the kits.

The photos were taken with my camera, but without tripod and the adequate lighting (i'm too lazy to take out and set up so many things) maybe becos of that the shadowing on the kits cannot be seen.

Anyway here are the pics, Enjoy!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Plamo's WOOB:3 Zaku III WIP

This is my latest work. It is done for Plamo's WOOB:3, since they have kindly adjusted the deadline and the no. of kits acceptable.

Here's a the box art of the kit, it is the Mass Produced Zaku 3 from Double Zeta Gundam Series.

This is how it looks like originally. Looks pretty ugly in my opinion.

I didn't like the original gun that came with the kit. I've bought additional weapon set from kotobukiya. It consists of a machine gun/rifle and a large axe which is similar to the zaku's Heat Hawk.

Here I've scrapped out the plastic beside to make a wider "hole" so that it would improve the poseablilty of the kit.

Next I've cut away excess plastic from the thighs so that the legs can open wider.
The degree that the legs can open before modification:

After modification:

The side skirts were also modified to allow the legs to open so wide:

The Front skirts were also lengthen:

Some Epoxy putty was applied to the head and sanded down to make the front of the head sharper:

So far this is wad the kit looks like:

The pose that it will probably be in after at the end of everything:

Update on Destiny Legend

Its been a long time since i updated this blog. Here is wad I've done over the few weeks. I've basically repainted the Legend Gundam & Recreated the base. I have also been working on another project which I'll post later on.

Anyway here are some pics:
Pics of the Repainted Legend, used a lighter grey than the last time. This time I've also made the shadow less prominent. Anyway I have not applied enamel wash to the kit yet. I'm waiting to do it together with the Destiny Gundam.

The remade base, with added details.