Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Update On Zaku III WIP

Its been a while since I've updated my blog... Been busy with some other stuff.
Anyway quite alot of hours have been spent on this kit but very little progress visible. Most of the time I've spent on trying to correct mistakes.

Here are the pics:
This is how it looked like a few weeks ago... Most major modifications done but not perfect yet

I've cut away the original front part of the feet and re-shaped it to make it look longer, currently the left foot looks horribly wrong

I've also added these parts from my old MG Nu-gundam

Tried to bulk up the arm and add details by adding a koto part, turns out horribly wrong and had to cover it up by adding pla-plates

As you all can see it this kit requires alot of sanding and it takes up alot of time,
the pics below were taken today. First coat of primer was applied to check for errors, as expected there was lot to be corrected. This shows the end-product after the second coat of primer.

The arm now is just one big block of plastic & superglue will try to detail later

Also corrected the left leg, looks better now and sanded away lots of holes and errors.

That's all for now, stay tuned for the next update

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